Kim Floria for Georgia
“I don’t just preach family values, I value families, all families.”
Hi! In case you don’t know me, I’m Kim Floria, and I’m excited to be your candidate for the Georgia House in District 30 right here in South Hall and NE Gwinnett counties. I’m a wife, mother, doting grandmother, sign language interpreter, and a small business owner with my husband. I also want to fight to improve the lives of Georgians by focusing on your freedom of choice, responsible government, and proactively solving issues before they become problems.
My minister often says, “do what is yours to do.”
I’m running because I believe that what is mine to do is to be the voice for people in my community who feel their voices aren’t being heard and to support families, all families, in my district to be able to live, work, and prosper here in Hall County. You and I have a lot of common goals and aspirations for our families, our community, and our State. After all, our current representatives are focused on divisiveness, so someone has to do it. I’m excited to take on this task for all of our collective interests. I will listen to you, act proactively for our community, and focus on the things that matter most. As your representative, I will fight to:
Restore Women’s Rights to Healthcare
- Overturn the six-week abortion ban in Georgia, when most people don’t even realize they are pregnant yet
- Protect IVF as a form of conception
- Ensure affordable access to birth control and other family planning measures
- Improve physical and mental maternal health resources for Georgia parents
Support Healthy and Happy Families
- Focus on clean air and water for future generations
- Incentivize more affordable housing so that working families can find a work/life balance
- Expand affordable access to mental and physical healthcare and preventive services
- Provide students with the resources to pursue knowledge, and respect the role of the First Amendment in education
- Ensure workers and small businesses thrive
Restore Integrity and Accountability to the Georgia Legislative Process
- Battle the culture-war tactics currently being used to distract and divide us
- Focus on the real problems that most of us discuss around the kitchen table and lose sleep over at night
- Advocate for fair redistricting of Georgia districts – voters should select their representatives; representatives should not be selecting their voters
- Facilitate voting for all eligible Georgia residents – regardless of their zip code, disability, financial status, or ethnicity

“Kim’s insight, energy, and love for our community will make her a great representative for the families in southern Hall County.”

“She is ready and willing to serve the people of Georgia.”
KIMBERLY CHARTER—Retired Pastor, New Horizon Church

“Kim Floria is a woman of action. Her civic engagement, community activism, and compassion for others is nothing short of inspiring.”